Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Needless Suffering
I haven't talked much about my self-esteem issues, if that's what you can call it. I've always been pretty happy with myself in at least some way or another but I always have ways I'm not happy with myself too. Mostly because I compare myself to others, take what others say to personally, or care to much of what people think. Well that's STOPPING today!! And man does it feel good:) This mostly came from talking to a friend about high school and it reminded me of how much I use to care about what people where going to think of me for how I looked or what I was wearing, and how now I don't even have contact with more than half of those people, and don't even remember alot of the kids I graduated with all that worrying I did was for nothing! I find myself now doing some of those samethings and finally realized theres no point to it!! I stress way to much over what others think of me when in all honesty alot of them probably don't think the way I think they do. And I'm to the point where if they do think negatively of me that's their problem!! I'm not going to worry and stress over it anymore. I need to focus on what makes me happy and what I feel comfortable with! Which I'm starting to get more and more happy with myself everyday. I'm happy with the decision I made a little over 9 months ago to start getting healthier and that I've mostly stuck to it for this long. Yeah I'm still not quite comfortable with what I see in the mirror but I'm getting closer, and its a whole lot better than what I saw 9 months ago. This re-start has really helped me realize that I just need to focus on what I think of myself, and not to get carried away with others. And I'm happy to report the re-start has been going pretty well so far. I need to still cut back on somethings and get better workouts in but I know eventually I'll be back at it all the way:)
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Don't get me wrong I am very proud for losing the 70ish pounds that I have and that will of course be in the back of my mind! I just feel like I have come so far and I want those last pounds off and I know if I work hard enough I can do it. So by starting again maybe it'll give me that motivation to start working hard again!
I'm also going to go on a fruit detox...well sorta. I'm going to have one meal a day that will have protein in it. I will probably also have oatmeal for breakfast. But other than those things it will be fruit or salad for the rest of the day for about 5 days, just to get my eating back under control!!
Anyways I thought I'd better put this on here so you all don't think I gain the 70 pounds back when I reset my ticker lol.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Last Year to This Year!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Stats For September
I'm pretty proud of myself this past month:) I had joined some challenges, which the other tickets at the top have been for lol. One challenge was to exercise a total of 1200 minutes in the month. When I first read it I thought, ''That's going to be tough!'' Well I'm happy to say I smashed it and actually doubled it:) I exercised for a total of 2,515 minutes!! Almost 42 hours!
The second challenge was to burn 25,000 calories in the month. I also though this was going to be a toughy. But I was able to burn 26,200!!
I'm so happy I actually did them:D
So I set similar goals for October:
1.Exercise 2,000 minutes
2.Burn 20,000 calories
3.Lose at least 5 pounds
I'll move the numbers up if I need to but I know its going to be a busy month so I decided to go a bit lighter on the numbers. Hopefully I'll surpass them though and get sumillar numbers to this past month.
In other news...I'm almost back down to 70 pounds gone woo hoo!! Yesterdays weigh-in I was down 69.6...but after a day of junk and being dehydrated I was up a pound. I'm hoping if I exercise good today and eat well it'll be off though.