I guess I'm actually almost 21 weeks, but the picture below is from this past Wednesday. We got to find out what the baby is and its another little BOY!! He is healthy and right on track. I haven't really been weighing myself much the past few weeks due to seeing the numbers rise, and that making me sad. However at the doctors I was pleased to see I'm actually only up 5 pounds:) My doctor even mentioned how he couldn't believe I had only gained that much especially since the baby weighs a little more than average for its age! I'm really hoping I'll only gain 10-15 more pounds through out the next 18 weeks. I know if I would get exercising more its very do-able! Something that dawned on me tonight was the fact that even though I haven't been doing my best, I have changed the way I view food and exercise. And the fact that the way I lost the weight was the right way to do it. I lost 30 pounds before I got pregnant the first time just to gain 40-45pounds during my pregnancy and after. I know I'm not done with this pregnancy yet but already I'm doing a lot better than last time weight wise and it doesn't seem to pile on like it did last time. I know its because losing the weight before this pregnancy I did it the right way and not by some easy quick fix! When I realized this it made me happy! This way I know what I was doing paid off and I've done exactly what I set out to do. Yes I still want to lose more, and get better at eating right and try new exercises, but I've made a lot of progress thus far and can't wait to be 100% back at it!

^20 weeks!
^Our cute little guy on the way:)