Monday, February 28, 2011
Pre 30-day Shred
So I am starting Jillian Micheal's 30 day shred today! Hoping I can get through it, watched it last night and its going to be but I'm going to push myself to finish. I took my measurements this morning and wanted to bawl. Even after losing 31lbs. yes 31!! My hips are still the biggest they have ever been, I'm thinking because 1.being pregnant-spreads your hips 2.having a c-section. I don''t even want know what they were 31lbs. ago. I said I was going to take pictures before I started so here they are. I can't see a whole lot of difference from last husband says he can. I don't know if he's just being nice though. It only has been 8 days since the last ones I posted, and I've lost 8 pounds since. Hoping that in 30 days to look a whole lot better!!

I tried to post theses, but it wouldn't work. I did the Shred and got through it!!! Its tough, but it feels so good!!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Last night I was doing laundry and as I was hanging things up in my closet I found some pants I had bought right after I had my son, and thought they would fit. Well they didn't and I never have worn them. So I pulled them off the hanger and tried them on, and the buttoned and zipped up!! I was super excited, they are tight, and sit a bit lower than I like my pants to sit. I'm thinking if I can lose another inch or so around my waist they'll fit perfect! They are a junior size, and so they are one odd number up from the even number I'm in now. I noticed to they are the same brand as my goal capri's and they are 2 sizes bigger than my goal capri's. So I'm hoping within the next month to have them fit me in the way I like, or to even make it so they are big on me!
I've been nervous the past few days because it seems like this week, the weight has just melted away so fast. I again today lost 1.2 pounds to put me at 28.2 pounds lost, my goal for my next doctors appointment was to be down 32-37 pounds. I've already lost 6 of the 10-15 I wanted. If I hit it sooner than expected, I'll probably add a few pounds to I it. I am burning about half of the calories I eat a day when I exercise, but I don't feel like I can eat anymore than I am. I'm sure the losing will slow down here pretty soon, and thats ok with me right now.
I found this quote last night to as I was going through some of the stuff I have kept from high school. For those who don't know I use to manage the football team, and with my state ring I found this quote, "The harder you work, the harder it is to surrender."-Vince Lombardi. I found that with myself lately it is so true. With the more weight I loss the more I want to keep losing and doing all the right things. I am always wanting to be up doing things and feel so much better about myself, and I just want to keep feeling even better. I might not workout as much one day, but always get a little work out in. On the days its just a little work out I feel guilty, but I know I just didn't sit and do nothing all day. It is still hard sometimes to not give in to certain foods but I resist. I do not want to quit and have all my hard work be for nothing. I keep thinking how wonderful it will be to put on my goal capri's, or a swimsuit this summer and actually feel comfortable in them. I can't wait for that day!! But until then, I'm gonna do everything possible to get there. The most I have ever lost on a diet is 30lbs, and I plan on going alot further than that with this. Because I'm changing my life this time!
I've been nervous the past few days because it seems like this week, the weight has just melted away so fast. I again today lost 1.2 pounds to put me at 28.2 pounds lost, my goal for my next doctors appointment was to be down 32-37 pounds. I've already lost 6 of the 10-15 I wanted. If I hit it sooner than expected, I'll probably add a few pounds to I it. I am burning about half of the calories I eat a day when I exercise, but I don't feel like I can eat anymore than I am. I'm sure the losing will slow down here pretty soon, and thats ok with me right now.
I found this quote last night to as I was going through some of the stuff I have kept from high school. For those who don't know I use to manage the football team, and with my state ring I found this quote, "The harder you work, the harder it is to surrender."-Vince Lombardi. I found that with myself lately it is so true. With the more weight I loss the more I want to keep losing and doing all the right things. I am always wanting to be up doing things and feel so much better about myself, and I just want to keep feeling even better. I might not workout as much one day, but always get a little work out in. On the days its just a little work out I feel guilty, but I know I just didn't sit and do nothing all day. It is still hard sometimes to not give in to certain foods but I resist. I do not want to quit and have all my hard work be for nothing. I keep thinking how wonderful it will be to put on my goal capri's, or a swimsuit this summer and actually feel comfortable in them. I can't wait for that day!! But until then, I'm gonna do everything possible to get there. The most I have ever lost on a diet is 30lbs, and I plan on going alot further than that with this. Because I'm changing my life this time!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Exercise Games!
I've heard alot of good things about the EA Sports Active games for the Wii. So I splurged today and bought 3 of them. Again thank you ebay, they were super cheap. They should be here the beginning of next week, I also start the 30day Shred next week too. I think March is going to be a very active month for me, or at least I'm hoping it will be. I hit 27lbs. lost today!! So if I can lose that 2 more times, I'll be at my goal! I'm half way to my mini goal in March too. It feels so good to know and see the weight dropping. I'm starting to be able to see that my waist is alot smaller! I still have along way to go though. I'm glad I've still been able to be motivated to exercise and eat well. I am hoping that I will keep being that way. Again thank you to all my MFP friends, they motivate me so much!! My friend is coming over tonight, so I'm going to go do the Wii before she gets here, hoping the lack of exercise won't kill me on the scale tomorrow.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
So I am currently down 25.6 pounds! YAY!! In 2 more pounds I'll be down a third of what I wanna be. I'm so excited. I've been eatting a bit more too this past week. Last week was what I would consider a bad week seeing as I ate out at fast food places like five times! I did make sure that it was the healthiest things on the menus and I didn't ever go over my calories. However, I did feel very sluggish all week. This week has been better so far, I'm eating healthy foods and have came closer to my calories daily than I have since I started. Today I haven't eaten much, but I just haven't felt hungry. I've decided I'm gonna start Jillian Micheal's 30 day shred in March! I'm really nervous about it. I'm sure like any other workout I'll get use to it more as the days go by, its just the beginning of it I'm scared I won't get through. I'm still waiting to get my Zumba for the Wii, I want so badly for it to get here. I also ordered a Heart Rate Monitor tonight. I had a few of my friends from MyFitnessPal tell me to get a one from the Polar brand. I started looking today and they were alittle more expensive than I expected. I decided to look on ebay, and I found a brand new one still sealed and everything for $50!! I was so excited! I've been happy so far with my progress thus far. I keep expecting to plateau, I wake up everyday to expect to stay the same on the scale, but for the past week there has been a lose even if its only -0.4. I've been really lucky. I'm back down to the size I was last June, and the pants I'm in are starting to be a little lose! When I first bought my belt around January 25th, I could only get into the first hole, and that even was pushing it at first, I'm now to the third hole!! And my goal pants I can get half way up my butt now lol:) I did realize they are low-rise, which I have never worn. So I have come to the conclusion it might take me a little longer than I wanted to get into them, at least with out having a muffin top. As for now thats whats going on with me, I'm very thankful to my MyFitnessPal friends they motivate me and give me great advise and encouragement all the time! You Guys Are Great!!
Saturday, February 19, 2011
As Promised...
These were so hard for me to post!! When I looked at them after taking them I just wanted to cry! But I know looking back I'll be glad I did. I already wish I had taken some when I first started to see the difference. But hopefully in a few weeks I'll be able to take some others and then see some sort of difference. I did lose another pound for a total of 23! WOO!! I was shocked to because I only exercised for 20 minutes yesterday. We also had a reception to go to tonight, for a friend of my husbands. I wasn't sure of what to wear, I only own I pair of slacks and was pretty sure they weren't going to fit, because last time I wore them was when I was dating my husband and weighed alot less then I do now. I decided just to try and see, and I couldn't believe it they fit perfectly!! I think they might be a bit tighter then last time I wore them, and the cardigan definitely was, but THEY FIT!! I'm actually wearing them in the pictures:) Please don't judge me! I fill like people always judge me on my weight I think that's why I had such a hard time posting the pictures, I've debated for like an hour to put them on or not.

Friday, February 18, 2011
1 month and counting...
Today was my 1 month mark! And I had my doctors appointment. I am so happy with the results of it. My blood pressure last month was 133/88, this month....117/70!!! WOO!! I about jumped and yelled with exciitement when the nurse told me. I was so worried where it was border-line high last month. I'm down 22.5lbs too!! My doctor told me if I do the samethings I've been doing he can see me losing another 10-15lbs. this month. I am hoping to do that!! I'd only be about 7lbs. away from what I was before I got pregnant. After my appointment me and my husband went shopping to get some groceries and a few other things. I've been admiring some capri's lately and decided today that seeing them at home every day might motivate me more! I am nervous however because becasue I tried to try them on, the legs would barely go over my legs and I couldn't pull them up over my hips and butt. I'm in a 14 now, I think that they maybe a little streched out because I wore them as I gained weight. The capri's I bought are a size 11. I would really like to be in them by April, I just don't know if that realistic, it is only 3 pant sizes though. I was in a 12 before I got pregnant, so if I can lose what I already have again I'll be to that weight. I didn't have the lovely mommy pouch though. I was going to take pictures today but things seemed to go crazy and and the day was over before I knew it. Hopefully I'll get some taken tomorrow.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Starting Out
I have been dieting for about a month now! And am loving it!!! I've been wanting to blog about my weightloss and thing I'm doing along with it, for a few weeks, but having family that looks at my blog and has started to freaking out about how much weight I've already lost was holding me back. I finally decided I'd just make another blog besides my usual one and not tell them about it. So I'm gonna start by tell you a little about me and my weight problems in the past. I've always been chunky since I hit puberty. I never really ate healthy foods and was never active after the age of 12. My family would always go to fast food places for dinner or just make something quick and easy that was loaded with unhealthy foods. When I was 16 I hit my highest weight, as of then, and decided I needed to do something. I got involved in managing sports at my high school. I managed a sport every season. It was alot of fun and kept me busy, and I lost weight. The down side was I never changed my eating habits so I would yo-yo back and forth. I lost about 30lbs. and stayed with in 5-10 of that through out all of high school. After I graduated I gained about 10 back. I moved to college the following December and gained another 10. I had amazing roommates though, that always tried to eat healthy and exercise. I joined in and got down to the smallest I could remember being in a long time, which was about 40lbs. down. Things started to go wrong there and everything seemed to fall apart so I moved home. I started dating my husband and wasn't as active but tried hard to still eat well. My mom had also been dieting since I moved to college and lost alot of weight by the time I got married in March she had lost 150. So she was a big help to me keeping the weight off. In February I started birth control and gained 5 pounds by my wedding. After the wedding I went spiraling out of control within two months I had gained 30 pounds and was back to my biggest. I again started to diet and and lost 30lbs. in three months. That's when I found out I was pregnant. I did really well with not gaining much weight until I was about 6&1/2months along. By the time I had my baby I had gained 40lbs. Most of that came off but 3 weeks after I had my gallbladder out. I was only about 10-15 pounds heavier than I was before I was pregnant. However, the last few months of my pregnancy I ate whatever i wanted and didn't care, and that never really changed after I had my son. So the months went by and I wasn't weighing myself didn't care what I ate. The middle of January came and some of my friends were starting to diet, so knowing I had gained alot even though I wasn't sure how much I decided to start also. I had my yearly womanly check up then too, and was at my heaviest ever by 10lbs. my blood sugar was on the verge of HIGH, and everything else was out of whack. Of course my doctor told me I should start to diet, gave me some guidelines and sent me on my way. He also is going to have me come in every month to weigh in until I meet my goal. Which I think will keep me going, knowing I have to weigh in front of someone especially a doctor! So its been a month tomorrow since I went in. As of today I've lost 22lbs! I feel so much better. I still have alot of times were I want things that aren't good for me, sometime I will have some but the major thing is moderation. I am in love with Myfitnesspal. I found the app. on my phone, and then learned they had a website. Its so nice having people on there that have the same goals and won't judge you for your weight! It make counting calories a breeze. Anyways, I think this has gone on long enough so I'll shut up now. I'll probably post a picture of me now, tomorrow. And will have updated ones every month. I'll be posting other things I'm sure alot more.
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