Saturday, February 19, 2011
As Promised...
These were so hard for me to post!! When I looked at them after taking them I just wanted to cry! But I know looking back I'll be glad I did. I already wish I had taken some when I first started to see the difference. But hopefully in a few weeks I'll be able to take some others and then see some sort of difference. I did lose another pound for a total of 23! WOO!! I was shocked to because I only exercised for 20 minutes yesterday. We also had a reception to go to tonight, for a friend of my husbands. I wasn't sure of what to wear, I only own I pair of slacks and was pretty sure they weren't going to fit, because last time I wore them was when I was dating my husband and weighed alot less then I do now. I decided just to try and see, and I couldn't believe it they fit perfectly!! I think they might be a bit tighter then last time I wore them, and the cardigan definitely was, but THEY FIT!! I'm actually wearing them in the pictures:) Please don't judge me! I fill like people always judge me on my weight I think that's why I had such a hard time posting the pictures, I've debated for like an hour to put them on or not.