When I first got my Heart Rate Monitor I couldn't believe my resting heart rate was around 95-100bpm!! And when I worked out at that time I would get it upto 190-200bpm :s kinda scary!
I went for almost 2 months not wearing it when I exercised and just used the estimations from my Cardio Trainer app. on my phone. I started using it again and could tell my heart rate wasn't as high anymore just by what my calories burned was...when I looked at my highest rate for my workouts it was between 160-170bpm!
On the Polar model I have, they have whats called a Fitness Test. Its pretty much to find your resting heart rate. Your suppose to do it before you've done anything when you wake up. I did it this morning and my resting heart rate was 67!!! I was so excited to see it was in the 60's. It puts me in the Good Fitness category:):):) who would have ever thought I could go from being in very poor health to being in good fitness in just a little over 7 months!! I'm going to strive to get my resting heart rate down between 54-60bpm by the time I hit my goal:) thats what's considered an athletic heart rate for women, at least thats what I've read.