Today my hubby surprised me with a Treadmill and Exercise Bike! They are early Christmas presents, but instead of them just sitting in the box till then he decided he'd let me have them now. I'm very very happy about getting them! Now I have something to do when I don't wanna do my dvd's or the elliptical, and it'll be so nice to have this winter!! I now have a little home gym in the back of my kitchen...its kinda a tight space due to not having alot of space in our apartment but it works. And my equipment isn't the "best" or "name-brand" stuff but it does its job. Oh and the best part was he got both for $150-and they're brand new!!! I'm so so so so excited right now for this. I'm hoping it'll help me get out of my funk. I'm actually going to go hop on the treadmill now:)
^^Weights, Xl Glider, Ab Glider, Elliptical, Treadmill, Bike