December was such a busy month for us I just didn't ever find time to update here.
We had a wonderful christmas here, alot of what I got had to do with fitness. I got a new hrm(polar ft60), the new zumba program, new walking/running shoes, just dance 2&3 for the wii, and then my treadmill and exercise bike. I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and is ready to start a healthy 2012!!
In baby news I got to see it yesterday:) everything looks good. They are due on July 23rd but since I'll have a c-section the doctor will most likely take me the week before. They had a strong heartrate at 176bpm....everyone is thinking girl! Morning sickness and exhaustion are still kicking my butt, but I'm hoping it'll ease up in the next few weeks.
Now for stats for December, I didn't do a very good job tracking everything this month. However I do think I hit all my goals:) which were 1000 minutes of exercise, 12,000 calories burned, and maintain or lose weight! On the weight part I'm actually down 4 pounds from when I found out I was pregnant, so I'm happy about that. I would love if I could maintain around this weight until around 20 weeks, we'll see what happens though. I'm not really going to set goals for this next month and I really haven't made any resolutions for this year either. I just want to continue to live a healthy lifestyle and to increase my fitness. Well I think that's all for now:)