Friday, April 27, 2012

I feel like a whale!

I honestly think I'm retaining all the water i drink and the watermelon I eat! I had the flu last week and I did lose weight but it was off for maybe a whole 3 days. I haven't been eating near the amount of sugary things since eater has been over and have tried to watch my calories and haven't been doing to bad, but the weight seems to be pilling on faster than I would like. Something I noticed a couple of days ago though that is kinda making me feel ok, is that when I look at my tummy, naked, Its not the entire thing that is round and bulging out. The part that is bulging out is like where my abs would be if I had any lol. This made me feel ok because last pregnancy it was my whole tummy area bulging out and you couldn't tell I was pregnant really I just looked fat, until I was about 8 & 1/2 months. A lot of people still don't think I look very pregnant or even at all, I think I do more so because I have a picture in my mind of my stomach when I was at my lowest and just want it to be that way again. I thought I was so big still, and I know to some people I still was but to be where I am now I can't wait to be able to workout and get back there again!! I want a healthy and happy baby and happy to be pregnant so I'm ok with getting huge for another few months....but I am looking forward to the days when I have my baby and I can be back to my workouts and fitting into regular cloths again! Since its finally starting to get warm I have been more active since we are outside a lot or going to parks and have to run around with my little boy:) I think that's all for now though!