Sunday, May 6, 2012
Finally into the 3rd Trimester!
I forgot to update this the other day so I thought I better do it now...I'm into the 3rd trimester:) And I will be 29 weeks tomorrow the picture is from last week, but its pretty much the same belly bump. We have about 10 weeks before he comes is all, and that's if things keep going smoothly and the doctor decides to not take me earlier. I had my doctors appointment on Wednesday and had only gained 3 pounds last month, I was pretty happy over that! They say you'll usually gain about a pound a week in the last part of it, I've also maintained there this week so we are doing ok weight wise right now. I just can't believe in just over 2 short month I'll have this little guy here and can start getting back into a good routine. I'm bound and determined I'm going to find the time to exercise once the doctor clears me, I don't want to get into the same funk as last time. I start going to the doctor every two weeks now so I will be monitoring my weight gain even better than I have been which will hopefully keep me on the track to only gain what I set out to. Here is my belly pic for 28 weeks, he's popping out more and more!:)