I figured I should post my latest belly picture on here. That way I can have it to remember how I looked at almost 9 months pregnant, and when I'm thinking I'm huge when I lose the baby weight I can compare lol. We were going through some pictures the other day and there was one I took at my lowest weight, where I still felt like I was so big, and just wanted to cry looking at how flat my stomach was compared to now. I know that there is a baby inside there though and once he is here it will go down dramatically! We only have 4 weeks left and thats if he doesn't decide to come sooner. In my eyes I feel like I will be starting completely over since my exercising has been lacking and my eating isn't the best, on the other side of that though I haven't gained nearly as much as my last pregnancy so it has been a bit of a success. Anyways here is my picture...