Saturday, May 25, 2013

NSV Of The Week

I've decided I'm going to try and have some sort of NonScaleVictory each week. Some weeks it maybe something really small since I'm going to do one every week. But I figured it could be a good way to stay motivated!

So this weeks NSV was:

My Dad, Grandma, and Aunt could see that I had lost weight!

I'll be honest, I love to be comfortable. I'll try and dress up a bit when I'm going to be out in public, but when I'm at home I'm usually in a t-shirt and yoga pants. So Friday when I actually got dressed in something nice, I personally didn't think I looked any different. Gotta love how your mind does that! So I went through the day feeling like a cow. When we got to my parents though my dad said he could tell I had lost weight, especially In my face and tummy area. It made me feel really good, my dad usually doesn't say anything about it so it was nice to hear it from him.

Then today my grandma and aunt came up and I got to see them for a minute and they both said that I looked like I had lost. My grandma even grabbed my shirt and said,"This shirt is even lose on ya."  This again made me feel really good! It's nice when people actually can see it. 

I still have a ways to go! And have yet another doctors appointment this next week, I'm hoping I can get a few more answers to some things. 

But that's this weeks NSV, now to look forward to this next week.

Hope everyone has a safe and great Memorial Day Weekend!