I was curious if any of you that follow this blog are on any of the following medication..
Synthroid or its generic
Provera or the generic Medroxypr
I'm curious as to side effects you may have had on any of them or on a combination of them.
I take the Synthroid first thing in the morning, like I was told to. Then I will wait and take the other two at lunch time. And then my vitamins(prenatal, vitamin D3) before bed.
Heres the thing when I take the Metformin and Provera I'll take it and then make my lunch, but by the time my lunch is ready I don't feel hungry and what ever I cook seems completely gross. Which then will lead to me not eating very much through the day because everything doesn't sound appatizing and I just don't feel hungry.
Now don't get me wrong not wanting to eat everything in sight can be a positive thing. It's just that I want to be losing fat not muscle. Knowing if I don't eat I'll lose weight but be a flabby mess doesn't sound attractive to me. And where I'm not exercising a lot, especially compared to what I use to do, I'm really nervous I'm just going to lose a ton of muscle mass.
Like I said in the last post, I do think a lot of what I have lost has been water weight though. I couldn't believe what my waist looked like today when I was weighing myself, wish my tummy and hips would actually go down I lose from there last though.
Anyways I'm getting off track...have any of you had similar experiences on these medications or ones similar to them?
And how do you make yourself eat when you don't feel hungry or when everything sounds gross?
The best way to describe the way I feel after taking the pills is that it's similar to the feeling of morning sickness. Not like you want to puke per say but just that yucky feeling when you are almost thinking maybe if I threw up I'd feel better.
*and I'm not pregnant, so don't suggest that maybe thats the reason, ok..Thanks!
Also while on Provera did you have cramping from your ovary/ovaries?
Mine are bugging the heck out of me and its just been since I started taking it.
Anyways thanks in advance for any answers or help you give me!!