Thursday, February 17, 2011

Starting Out

I have been dieting for about a month now! And am loving it!!! I've been wanting to blog about my weightloss and thing I'm doing along with it, for a few weeks, but having family that looks at my blog and has started to freaking out about how much weight I've already lost was holding me back. I finally decided I'd just make another blog besides my usual one and not tell them about it. So I'm gonna start by tell you a little about me and my weight problems in the past. I've always been chunky since I hit puberty. I never really ate healthy foods and was never active after the age of 12. My family would always go to fast food places for dinner or just make something quick and easy that was loaded with unhealthy foods. When I was 16 I hit my highest weight, as of then, and decided I needed to do something. I got involved in managing sports at my high school. I managed a sport every season. It was alot of fun and kept me busy, and I lost weight. The down side was I never changed my eating habits so I would yo-yo back and forth. I lost about 30lbs. and stayed with in 5-10 of that through out all of high school. After I graduated I gained about 10 back. I moved to college the following December and gained another 10. I had amazing roommates though, that always tried to eat healthy and exercise. I joined in and got down to the smallest I could remember being in a long time, which was about 40lbs. down. Things started to go wrong there and everything seemed to fall apart so I moved home. I started dating my husband and wasn't as active but tried hard to still eat well. My mom had also been dieting since I moved to college and lost alot of weight by the time I got married in March she had lost 150. So she was a big help to me keeping the weight off. In February I started birth control and gained 5 pounds by my wedding. After the wedding I went spiraling out of control within two months I had gained 30 pounds and was back to my biggest. I again started to diet and and lost 30lbs. in three months. That's when I found out I was pregnant. I did really well with not gaining much weight until I was about 6&1/2months along. By the time I had my baby I had gained 40lbs. Most of that came off but 3 weeks after I had my gallbladder out. I was only about 10-15 pounds heavier than I was before I was pregnant. However, the last few months of my pregnancy I ate whatever i wanted and didn't care, and that never really changed after I had my son. So the months went by and I wasn't weighing myself didn't care what I ate. The middle of January came and some of my friends were starting to diet, so knowing I had gained alot even though I wasn't sure how much I decided to start also. I had my yearly womanly check up then too, and was at my heaviest ever by 10lbs. my blood sugar was on the verge of HIGH, and everything else was out of whack. Of course my doctor told me I should start to diet, gave me some guidelines and sent me on my way. He also is going to have me come in every month to weigh in until I meet my goal. Which I think will keep me going, knowing I have to weigh in front of someone especially a doctor! So its been a month tomorrow since I went in. As of today I've lost 22lbs! I feel so much better. I still have alot of times were I want things that aren't good for me, sometime I will have some but the major thing is moderation. I am in love with Myfitnesspal. I found the app. on my phone, and then learned they had a website. Its so nice having people on there that have the same goals and won't judge you for your weight! It make counting calories a breeze. Anyways, I think this has gone on long enough so I'll shut up now. I'll probably post a picture of me now, tomorrow. And will have updated ones every month. I'll be posting other things I'm sure alot more.